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About Me

I already have an about me page up on the Carmel Schools Dad website that you can visit here.


I’m hesitant to wade into talking about my political beliefs, as I generally don’t view myself as a terribly political person. That said, for the types of people attacking our schools, anyone opposing them usually gets called an ‘extremist liberal'. In anticipation of that, I'll share a bit of my views..


Overall, I consider myself a pragmatic moderate. In my adult life, I’ve voted for Democrat, Libertarian and Republican candidates for president. I’ve cast votes for both Democrat and Republican politicians as recently as last year’s municipal elections. My friends, family and acquaintances span the political spectrum and I think most of them would describe me as a fairly reasonable, thoughtful, data-driven person, though I may be to the left or right of many of them on specific issues.


At a state level, as long as we are ruled by a supermajority, I will vote for Democrats unless individual candidates give me reason not to. Mitch Daniels explained my reasons more eloquently that I could in this article on the negative effects of single-party rule. The moment there was a supermajority in our state, the legislature went full speed down the path of school vouchers, despite the fact that 94% of Hoosiers opposed them. The supermajority has consistently ignored the will of the people, counting on their party affiliation to save them from anything approaching accountability. I strongly believe uncompromising single-party rule to be detrimental to our state and un-American by nature. I consider myself lucky to have both Matt McNally and Joel Levi on my ballot this November, as I’ve met both of them and consider them reasonable, moderate people of high character.


At a municipal level, my vote comes down to the particular candidates. I’ve met around a dozen people who hold, held or ran for office in our city government, spanning both parties. I would speak well of any of them as moderates who care about the whole of our community. I would be surprised and saddened if any of the individuals I've met were to abandon those principles to endorse the Carmel Excellence movement.




As mentioned on the homepage, this site contains both facts and my opinions on those facts. I believe the difference is quite obvious, but if you question which category any particular statement falls into, please reach out via the Contact page and I will be glad to clarify.

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